As promised in my earlier post, here’s the video that we took during our vocal recording session. This take is actually the last take of the night. And now thatContinue readingHi Mr. Ironing Board!
Give Said The Little Stream, version 2
I know this little blog hasn’t been updated in quite a while. I have been writing music in the interim. Unfortunately, my stubborn Chinese self keeps insisting that I haveContinue readingGive Said The Little Stream, version 2
Bubble Bobble Remix – Waterfall Ending
My siblings and I used to play this cute little game on the NES. My parents highly disapproved of the violent Double Dragon that we received for Christmas, and soContinue readingBubble Bobble Remix – Waterfall Ending
Walking With Angel
A lot has happened in the past month, and I’ve just been too busy to post anything. I’ve procrastinated writing this blog entry because I wanted to post my newContinue readingWalking With Angel
Sunday Sounds
Here’s a little something for Sunday. This is a quick two minute demo piece that I put together to practice my mockup abilities. The arrangement is based on some ideasContinue readingSunday Sounds
Childhood Nostalgia
Every so often during one of my piano jams, I’ll start playing songs from my childhood. Ducktales, Who are the People in Your Neighborhood, Gummi Bears. It’s one those thingsContinue readingChildhood Nostalgia
Traditions of our Fathers
So for the past year or so I’ve been the unofficial branch pianist. Unofficial because I have another calling, and I’m the default pianist in the branch. Not the onlyContinue readingTraditions of our Fathers
What I’m working on
So about a month ago, a good friend of mine sent me an interesting text, “Can you call me, I have a music question.” Turns out he had a requestContinue readingWhat I’m working on
Quick update
Just a quick update on what’s going on musically. I’ve had a few calls in the recent weeks requesting permission to be added to my studio. I’m open to teachingContinue readingQuick update
Simple Love (JianDan Ai)
I originally tried creating an arrangement of this piece about two years ago at my aunt’s house in the bay area. The source material is one of Jay Chou’s mostContinue readingSimple Love (JianDan Ai)