
Name: Jared Ong
Background: 2005 Bachelors of Music, emphasis in Media Music Studies.  Composer, arranger, songwriter. 

40 thoughts on “About

  1. Mike Nield says:

    Hi Jared. I love your music. It is awesome. May we have permission to make copies and use you pieces “Give Said the Little Stream,” “Silent Night,” “The First Noel,” and “In Humility Our Savior” in our Stake? This is, of course, only for non-commercial church use.

    Thanks so much for sharing your music.

    Mike Nield
    Stake Music Chairman
    Shelley Idaho South Stake

    1. Jared says:

      Hi Mike,

      Thanks for the kind of words. Glad you like the music! Yes, you have permission to make copies as needed.



  2. Mariza says:

    Hello Jared, I also love this music and am so privileged to find this piece and thank you for sharing it to all of us. I would like also to ask permission to use this in one of our Church Choir rendition.

    1. Jared says:

      Hi Mariza,

      Yes you have my permission to make copies and use this piece in your choir. Hope it goes well. Let me know if you need anything!


  3. Daniel Reynolds says:

    my wife and I have always wanted to do a duet of give said the little stream in sacrament and in fact she said that was the only duet she would ever sing with me (I have convinced her to sing more however). When we found this one we knew it was time to sing it since we will be moving from our ward soon. Thank you for such a fun and inspiring piece!

  4. Cheryl says:

    Our first-ever choir in our small Spanish branch sang “Yo Tengo un Testimonio” for our first branch conference. It’s been going through my mind since we began practicing. It has such a comforting message. Thanks for sharing your gifts!

  5. Jennifer Stenquist says:

    I was just made the primary chorister in my ward and was thinking and planning ahead and stumbled upon your beautiful arrangement of Mother will you love me/Mother I love you and I am SO EXCITED to teach this to the kids to sing in sacrament meeting on Mother’s day. THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing your amazing talent with us. Being a mother myself, I know that the mothers in my ward are going to LOVE hearing their children sing this beautiful song. Thank you again!

  6. Natalie Nelson says:

    Jared, this is the most beautiful arrangement of Be Still, My Soul I have ever heard. I have been looking for the perfect piece, and this is definitely it. Thank you!!

  7. Dena says:

    Hi Jared, do you have an instrumental track for “The First Noel” that I can send to my Ward Choir members. I love your music.

  8. Landon Lee says:

    Thank you so much for your beautiful music!! I appreciate the spirit it invites into my life 🙂

  9. Eden says:

    Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful work, Jared. I was asked to sing this at a funeral and wanted something a little different than just the hymnal – this was absolutely perfect.

    1. Jared says:

      Hi Eden,

      Glad that the arrangement worked out (I’m guessing it was Be Still My Soul?)

  10. Kara says:

    Thank you for sharing your talents! I found your beautiful arrangement of Be Still My Soul and plan to sing it this Sunday for ward conference. Is there a track without the vocals that you can share? I would appreciate all the practice I can get.:) Thank you!

    1. Jared says:

      Hi Kara,

      Glad you liked the music! Just sent you the minus track!

  11. kevin ogema says:

    Hello Jared. I am interested in this music for church use and the upcoming non prorot making anglican choirs competition. The aim of the competition in to build capacity of anglican choirs in kenya in hymn festivals. Kindly allow me to print and make copies.

    1. Jared says:

      Hi Kevin, just shoot me an e-mail and let me know which piece you want to use. Glad to hear from you.

  12. Launa Downs says:

    Hi Jared. I love your arrangement of Give Said the Little Stream. With your permission, I’d love to use it at our Relief Society Activity. Do you have a instrumental track that we could use? Thanks for sharing your talents. (Also, loved the Did You Think to Pray instrumental. Absolutely beautiful.) Thank you.

  13. Darla Schmecker says:

    I have just recently found your website and I absolutely love your music. I am wondering if you have, or if it is possible to get Silent Night in a lower key? The highest I can comfortably sing and feel confident singing is a High C. I was so happy that The First Noel, was just right for me. I sang, Be Still My Soul, in Sacrament Meeting a few months ago and had so many great comments on it. Thanks so much for sharing your talent!

    1. Jared says:

      Hi Darla, glad you like the music. Let me know what key you need and I can transpose it.

  14. Bridgette Grundvig says:

    Thank you Jared for making this music possible. I really needed to have this music today. My heart is hurting and music has been a blessing and an answer to pray today of comfort and peace. I am going to sing this song and I hope it will continue to serve it’s purpose as I share my testimony of my Savior through this gorgeous piece.

    This music is very peaceful and I really love it!
    Thank you.

  15. Penny Hughes says:

    I LOVE your version of Give Said the Little Stream. Dare I say that this simple little song has never really been one to tug at my heart strings? I know – it’s terrible and goes against all things in our culture! hahahahah

    I listened to day with an open heart – hoping it would do something for me and BAM! wow, I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. This song has taken on a whole new meaning to me. Thank you so very much.

    I found it on the free lds sheetmusic site and saw what had been said about our sometimes very somber music. I totally agree with you that our music needs to be joyful and uplifting – I really struggle with this as the Sacrament meeting chorister ! The Gospel is GOOD NEWS and we need to be happy and joyful in our expression in music 🙂

  16. Dani Bale says:

    Thank you! I love this arrangement with the youth and the children! I am so excited to do it!

  17. Ai-Ling Teng says:

    Thank you Jared for this piece of music, “Be Still My Soul.” I loved it very much and thinking to use your work on my farewell party in two weeks. Please let me know if there is any restriction for using it.

    May your music richly bless the wounded souls

    1. Jared says:

      Hi Ai-Ling,

      Appreciate your comments and glad my music has been able to inspire you! Best!

  18. Karen Cooper says:

    Hello Jared!
    I am going to teach my children’s choir your arrangement of “Give” Said the Little Stream. It is beatiful! May I have your permission to make copies of the music?
    Thank you for giving yourself away!

    1. Jared says:

      Hi Karen,

      I’m sure your children’s choir will love it! Feel free to make copies, let me know how the performance goes!


  19. Marion says:

    I love this!

    Just perfect! 🙂

    Can you send me a copy of the flute obligato?

    1. Jared says:

      Hi Marion,

      Please check your e-mail. Hope this helps!


  20. maddoman says:

    i am 60 years old and use to sing this as our offering song in sabbath school. love it thank you for giving me back those memories. God bless

  21. Emery says:

    This is a bit overdue, but thank you so much for the beautiful arrangement for “Give Said the Little Stream.” My little boy decided he wanted to do a special musical number with our family last year and we practiced it for several weeks. Having your music helped us have the confidence to get up there and sing our hearts out, and it was a sweet experience we will always treasure.

  22. Amanda Vander Woude says:

    Hi Jared! I have been playing/singing your beautiful arrangement of Be Still My Soul and I would like to ask if I have permission to use your arrangement at church services and funerals that also may be live-streamed?

    1. Jared says:

      Hi Amanda,

      You have my permission to use the arrangement for live streams. Hope it goes well!

  23. Elizabeth says:

    Hi, Jared! Your arrangement of Be Still My Soul is absolutely beautiful! My daughter has been asked to sing Be Still My Soul at a church fireside this upcoming Sunday, February 21st. I know it’s really short notice but do you have an accompaniment of the song I could purchase?download for her? Thank you!

    1. Jared says:

      Hi Elizabeth,

      Can you clarify if you are looking for sheet music or a backup track?

  24. Kimberly Briggs says:

    Hi Jared, our family performed your arrangement of “Give, Said the Little Stream” in sacrament meeting last Sunday. It was so touching. We had the congregation going in on the last chorus of the song. My son also wrote a cello part and added that. Thank you for this beautiful music! I am attaching the voice recording for you to hear. We hope you enjoy it!
    Actually, it won’t attach here, just sent straight to your email if you would like to hear it, let me know and I can send it.

  25. Anna Curtis says:

    Hey Jared, my father in law’s funeral is this weekend and the grandchildren will be singing his favorite primary song: Give Said the Little Stream. Would it be ok if we used your arrangement? I have looked through several and this is my favorite one I’ve found by far! It’s beautiful. Thank you for sharing your amazing talent!

    1. Jared says:

      Hi Anna,

      Condolences to your family. You have my permission to use the arrangement. Hope it goes well and let me know if I can assist.

  26. Sharlene says:

    Jared, today three of us sang I Have a Testimony in our RS. My dear friend is the instructor and the lesson was on testimony. I searched some websites and found this sweet song. It’s so pretty and each of us felt our testimonies being expressed through the lyrics. I’ve shared it with my family who have young children. Thank you for sharing your talents and testimony.

  27. Jean L says:

    Thank you for the beautiful arrangement of Be Still, My Soul. My son will sing it for the sacrament.

  28. char says:

    thank you for the song “give said the little stream”


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